NEW for Northwest! The NPC Oregon Open is part of the Northwest NPC Triple Crown Series of shows!
All Northwest NPC shows will award points toward an Open Triple Crown and Masters Triple Crown Award. The Triple Crown Award is presented to athletes who win 1st place in at least 3 different shows in the same calendar year in the Open or Masters classes. Athletes can earn a maximum of 1 Open point and 1 Masters point per show, regardless of division.
The Triple Crown Award presentation will take place at the Northwest Championships in Shelton, WA at the end of the competition season. Winners will receive 2 complimentary VIP tickets if they are able to attend. If they can not attend, the award will be shipped to them. Those who achieve the highest total points – Triple Crown Open Champion and Triple Crown Masters Champion – will receive a $500 sponsorship toward any National level event for the following year. In the event of a tie, all placings will be considered for a tie-breaker.
For a complete list of participating shows CLICK HERE. For questions on rules or eligibility for the Triple Crown Award, email